We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, we are spiritual beings having a human exper

We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, we are spiritual beings having a human exper

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Today a beautiful angel came and sat on my couch, right next to another one.....

We sat cross legged and drank green tea. We talked about clarity. (He thinks I have it). We talked about building a small foundation with a tiny hut on it, and how storms come and knock it down, but then you build a little bit bigger foundation and a little bit bigger shelter. Until finally, your foundation, and your shelter, can weather any storm. A while back I posted the quote “Do not worry if you have built your castles in the air. They are where they should be. Now put the foundations under them. - Henry David Thoreau (now perhaps I see why the giggle, Nathan! Incidentally, I found it really interesting that that your blog, and also the subject of your e-mail was “we are awakening”, as my guru mentioned this today, and I also mentioned it to my friend ‘the Sage’ when we first met. It is just yet another little universal ‘mystery’ or truth that has been uncovered for me in this journey…… ) Anyway, back to foundations. These words of wisdom were left to me, as a gift, so I will include them here to remind me that I am not only working towards building those solid foundations, I am working on putting them on higher ground……

“To see that even though you may be so far from firm ground, both in front of and behind you, still there can be something solid under your feet. But you have to pick a direction and stick to it. A foundation in the air can't sustain you for good, or for long. Your hope can't be in the miracle of engineering that holds you up, temporary in the empty air. And it's going to be hard to hope much in the ground you left behind. You have to put your hope in reaching the firm ground that lies ahead. While it's not so bad sometimes to be up in the air, our faith in life, in love, and in self needs firm ground more than it needs miracles”.

Amen! Now if you'll excuse me, I am going to go and watch a movie with Ricky!

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