We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, we are spiritual beings having a human exper

We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, we are spiritual beings having a human exper

Sunday, July 31, 2011


In the trees, in the park, in my truck, on the hill, on my hand, on my phone, on my wall, in my living room, in my yard, in my chair, in my garage, on the stairs, in Hess’s work, at the grocery store, at the mall, at Yoga, at school, at the game, on signs, in videos, on the radio, in my CD player, in my bedroom, in the shower, on tub ledges, in my kitchen, on countertops, by Christmas trees, on building tops, in the sky, even on the moon

in my thoughts
in my dreams
in my prayers
in my heart
in the stillness
in the silence

whispering, talking
sitting, singing
dancing, listening
consoling holding
advising, reminding
smiling, seeing
laughing with me
laughing at me

You are with me.

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