We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, we are spiritual beings having a human exper

We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, we are spiritual beings having a human exper

Sunday, July 31, 2011

It came as no surprise that she was such a Sweetheart it made my heart ache just to be around her. Her dad was like that too. His heart was the size of a word that rhymes with vagina ……..ha! thought you’d like that, honey! Jesus, your last few days on earth you were taking care of orphaned kittens??! That is sooooo like you!!! You and animals, were tight. You’re probably taking care of all the wounded/dead one’s right now……but I’m just gonna come right out and ask ya: WAS THAT YOU??? The morning of your funeral, she said you were tapping on her window, then you flew away. We both know why she thinks that. It’s to do with a couple of the stories you told me, isn’t it?? Yah, so don’t tell me that 5 min after I got the tattoo to honor your memory that YOU weren’t with me when I bought the frame for her with the BIRDS on it!! I got your number babe (Geez, try not to be so obvious - just like the tub thing, and the yoga thing, and the.....) Oh, and my decision to bake church windows with her, had nothing to do with the fact that you and her used to make them? No, I didn’t know that. How many colored marshmallow fights did you two get in, anyway?? Quite a few I’ll bet. =)

Anyway, what a gift your child is!! You did such a great job raising her!!! She has your heart, your blood though, so how could she be any different?? We had such a wonderful time together sharing stories about you. We laughed a whole bunch, and we cried a whole bunch. We will be spending a lot more time together, and you’ll be there with us……

Oh, thanks for the cap. When she gave it to me, ……well, you saw me. Now it sits there by your picture and it’s like you’re right there! Ssspooky! (You always used to say that).

Well, I better get to bed, 5 a.m. comes early (your favorite time of day). Try not to laugh if I snore (I never did when you did!)

Love, Forever and Ever and Ever and Ever....


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