We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, we are spiritual beings having a human exper

We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, we are spiritual beings having a human exper

Sunday, July 31, 2011

As I stagger around dazed and in confusion, trying to figure out how to navigate this awful, muddy road of grief, I have reached out to, or been put in the path of some very healing people or entities, from all over the world, and indeed, the 'Universe'. These are all people i believe Rick wanted me to meet, or reconnect with. He had a way of bringing people together. Nathan, is a stranger who's heart was willing to offer me solace, from the other side of the globe. I was drawn to him immediately as I glanced through his profile which reads like a poem in itself: "Words to undo words rather than add to the noise", "People who live in love as an example to that which they believe", "Unboxing all this", "Whatever society is not", "Eternal present moment".....brilliant, beautiful, breathtaking, haunting...... Anyway, i am incredibly grateful to have been in touch with him, and look forward to more of his spiritual insights.....

....."So yes, passing through... it's something I've always felt I'm doing. Nothing is permanent. For me that is incredibly positive, life-affirming... the fact that we exist, here and now, but we won't always be here, in this space, with this experience, on this place on Earth. We have this opportunity to experience, to express who we are. Who are we again?

We were born of the mystery and we return to the mystery... We live the Mystery! But I guess in those sentiments, 'passing through' I'm really identifying with Spirit.
As a human being and physical form, this is all there is. As spirit (which to me is the greater driving force) we are simply passing through. We existed before taking human form and will exist after. If we identify with the human form, everything is perishable, transient, painful... but when you uncover the knowledge that we are not primarily the body, we are the consciousness that drives it, you realise that life as we know it is just a passing through... consciousness/the soul is what continues... that's the energy of the Universe that we were never really separate from in the first place... we have always been that... it's just our minds separate everything until we become completely lost. We were born from the One movement of the Universe, and we return to that movement, that movement that continues and never dies. We ARE that movement!

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